GIFT (기프트) – Confess (고백)


2003년 제가 중학생일 때 많이 듣던 델리스파이스의 ‘고백’을 2018년 기프트라는 가수가 리메이크 했어요. 그래서 30대인 지금도 쭉 듣고 있어요.

이 노래는 워낙 유명해서 영화 ‘클래식’하고 드라마 ‘응답하라 1997’의 OST로 쓰였어요.

노래 가사는 조금 헷갈릴 거예요. 일본의 고교 야구 만화인 H2가 이 노래의 모티브인데, 삼각관계에 놓여 있는 주인공 3명이 각자의 마음을 고백하는 노래거든요.

In 2003, when I was in middle school, I used to listen to Delispice’s “Confession”. It was remade by a band called Gift in 2018. I’m still listening to this song in my 30’s.

This song is so famous that it was used as an OST for the movie ‘Classic’ and the drama ‘Reply 1997’.

The lyrics are a little confusing. The reason is that ‘H2’, a Japanese high school baseball cartoon, is the motif of this song, In H2, three main characters are in a love triangle. This song is each three confess their feelings.







가사 lyrics

중2때까진 늘 첫째 줄에

겨우 160이 됐을 무렵

쓸만한 녀석들은 모두 다 

이미 첫사랑 진행 중

I always sat in the first row until the 2nd year of middle school.

When I barely become 160 cm tall,

All the decent friends were

already falling into first love.


  • 중2 the 2nd grade of middle school, (between an elementary school and high school)
  • 늘 always
  • 첫째 줄 the first row
  • 겨우 only
  • 무렵 when, by the time
  • 쓸만한 useful, passable, enough good, decent
  • 녀석 fellow, guys
  • 모두 다 all
  • 이미 already
  • 첫사랑 the first love
  • 진행 process
  • 중 in the middle of



정말 듣고 싶었던 말이야.

물론 2년전 일이지만

기뻐야 하는 게 당연한데

내 기분은 그게 아냐.

That’s what I really wanted to hear.

Though of course, it was two years ago.

I am supposed to feel happy, but

that’s not how I feel.



  • 정말 really
  • 듣다 to listen to + 고 싶다 to want to 
  • 말 saying, words
  • 물론
  • 기쁘다 to be happy
  • 당연하다 to be natural, to be normal
  • 기분 feelings, mood



하지만 미안해 네 넓은 가슴에 묻혀

다른 누구를 생각했었어.

미안해 너의 손을 잡고 걸을 때에도

떠올렸었어 그 사람을.

But I’m sorry. With buried in your broad chest

I was thinking of someone else. 

I’m sorry. Even when walking with your hand in my hand.

I was thinking of the person.


  • 넓다 to be broad
  • 가슴 chest
  • 묻히다 to be buried, to be in one’s arms
  • 다른 누구 someone else
  • 생각하다 to think (of)
  • 손을 잡고 걷다 to walk hand in hand
  • 떠올리다 to recall, to come up with, to think of



널 좋아하면 좋아할수록

상처 입은 날들이 더 많아.

모두가 즐거운 한 때에도

나는 늘 그곳에 없어

The more I like you,

the more days I get hurt.

Even when everyone is happy,

I’m not there all the time.


  • A/V+(으)면 A/V+(으)ㄹ수록 the more~
  • 상처 입다 to get a wound
  • 날 day(s)
  • 모두 everyone
  • 즐겁다 to be enjoyable, to be happy
  • 늘 always, all the time



정말 미안한 일을 한 걸까

나쁘진 않았었지만

친구인 채였다면 오히려

즐거웠을 것만 같아

Did I really do something sorry to you?

It wasn’t bad, but

If we had remained friends, 

it would have been more fun.


  • 미안하다 to be sorry
  • 나쁘다 to be bad
  • ㄴ 채  remain as it was
  • 오히려 rather, on the contrary
  • 즐겁다 to be fun + 았/었을 것이다 would have been + 만 같아 I fee like



하지만 미안해 네 넓은 가슴에 묻혀

다른 누구를 생각했었어

미안해 너의 손을 잡고 걸을 때에도

떠올렸었어 그 사람을

But I’m sorry. With buried in your broad chest

I was thinking of someone else. 

I’m sorry. Even when walking with your hand in my hand.

I was thinking of the person.


하지만 미안해 네 넓은 가슴에 묻혀

다른 누구를 생각했었어

미안해 너의 손을 잡고 걸을 때에도

떠올렸었어 그 사람을

But I’m sorry. With buried in your broad chest

I was thinking of someone else. 

I’m sorry. Even when walking with your hand in my hand.

I was thinking of the person.


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