Lee Nalchee/YiNalchee (이날치) – A Tiger is Coming Down (범 내려 온다)


‘이날치’는 그룹인데, 전통 장르인 ‘판소리’와 모던 팝을 조화 시켜 새로운 음악을 만듭니다.

한국의 전래동화 ‘수궁가’에는 토끼와 자라, 호랑이가 등장하는데, 이 노래 가사는 호랑이가 등장하는 장면을 묘사하고 있어요.

이날치 is the group that harmonizes the traditional Pansori(Korean genre of musical storytelling) with modern pop.

The traditional Korean Pansory ‘수궁가(Sea Palace)’ features a rabbit, a turtle, and a tiger, and the lyrics of the song depict the appearance of a tiger.



가사 lyrics

범 내려 온다 

범이 내려온다

장림 깊은 골로

대한 짐승이 내려온다

몸은 얼숭덜숭

꼬리는 잔뜩 한 발이 넘고

누에 머리 흔들며

전동같은 앞다리

양 귀 찢어지고

쇠낫같은 발톱으로 잔디뿌리 왕모래를

촤르르르르 흩치며

주홍 입 쩍 벌리고 워리렁 허는 소리

하늘이 무너지고 땅이 툭 꺼지난 듯

자래 정신없이 목을 움추리고

가만이 엎져겄다

A tiger is coming down.

A tiger is coming down.

Through the deep valley in the long stretch of forest

A beast is coming down.

His body is striped,

His tail is longer than a grown man’s length with both arms stretched out,

He shakes his head,

His front leg is like a quiver,

Both ears look aggressive,

His hind claw is like a sickle,

He splashes grass roots and coarse sand,


He opens his scarlet jaws wide,


As if the sky falls and the ground breaks down,

The turtle hides his head and was prone stealthily


범 내려 온다

범이 내려온다

송림 깊은 골로 한 짐생이 내려온다

누에 머리 흔들며

양 귀 쭉 찢어지고

몸은 얼숭덜숭

꼬리는 잔뜩 한 발이 넘고

동개같은 앞다리 전동같은 뒷다리

새 낫 같은 발톱으로 엄동설한 백설격으로

잔디 뿌리 왕 모래 좌르르르르르르 흩이고

주홍 입 쩍 벌리고

자라 앞에 가 우뚝 서

홍앵앵앵 하는 소리 산천이 뒤덮고

땅이 툭 꺼지난 듯

자라가 깜짝 놀래

목을 움치고 가만히 엎졌을 제

A tiger is coming down.

A tiger is coming down.

Through the deep valley in the pine forest 

A beast is coming down.

His body is striped,

His tail is longer than a grown man’s length with both arms stretched out,

He shakes his head,

His legs are like a quiver,

His hind claw is like a sickle,

Like the white snow in severe winter

He splashes grass roots and coarse sand,


He opens his scarlet jaws wide,



the sound covers the mountains and streams

As if the ground breaks down,

The turtle is startled and

was prone stealthily



범 내려 온다

범이 내려온다

송림 깊은 골로 한 짐생이 내려온다

누에 머리 흔들며

양 귀 쭉 찢어지고

몸은 얼숭덜숭

꼬리는 잔뜩 

A tiger is coming down.

A tiger is coming down.

Through the deep valley in the pine forest 

A beast is coming down.

His body is striped,

His tail is…


범 내려 온다

범이 내려온다

송림 깊은 골로 한 짐생이 내려온다

누에 머리 흔들며

양 귀 쭉 찢어지고

몸은 얼숭덜숭

꼬리는 잔뜩 한 발이 넘고

동개같은 앞다리 전동같은 뒷다리

새 낫 같은 발톱으로 엄동설한 백설격으로

잔디 뿌리 왕 모래 좌르르르르르르 흩이고

주홍 입 쩍 벌리고 자라 앞에 가 우뚝 서

홍앵앵앵 하는 소리 산천이 뒤덮고

땅이 툭 꺼지난 듯

자라가 깜짝 놀래

목을 움치고 가만히 엎졌을 제

A tiger is coming down.

A tiger is coming down.

Through the deep valley in the pine forest 

A beast is coming down.

His body is striped,

His tail is longer than a grown man’s length with both arms stretched out,

He shakes his head,

His legs are like a quiver,

His hind claw is like a sickle,

Like the white snow in severe winter

He splashes grass roots and coarse sand,


He opens his scarlet jaws wide,


the sound covers the mountains and streams

As if the ground breaks down,

The turtle is startled and was prone stealthily


범 내려 온다

범이 내려온다

송림 깊은 골로 한 짐생이 내려온다

누에 머리 흔들며

양 귀 쭉 찢어지고

몸은 얼숭덜숭

꼬리는 잔뜩 한 발이 넘고

동개같은 앞다리 전동같은 뒷다리

새 낫 같은 발톱으로 엄동설한 백설격으로

잔디 뿌리 왕 모래 좌르르르르르르 흩이고

주홍 입 쩍 벌리고 자라 앞에 가 우뚝 서

홍앵앵앵 헌느 소리 산천이 뒤덮고

땅이 툭 꺼지난 듯

자라가 깜짝 놀래

목을 움치고 가만히 엎졌을 제

A tiger is coming down.

A tiger is coming down.

Through the deep valley in the pine forest 

A beast is coming down.

His body is striped,

His tail is longer than a grown man’s length with both arms stretched out,

He shakes his head,

His legs are like a quiver,

His hind claw is like a sickle,

Like the white snow in severe winter

He splashes grass roots and coarse sand,


He opens his scarlet jaws wide,



the sound covers the mountains and streams

As if the ground breaks down,

The turtle is startled and

was prone stealthily


범 내려 온다

범이 내려온다

송림 깊은 골로 한 짐생이 내려온다

누에 머리 흔들며

양 귀 쭉 찢어지고

몸은 얼숭덜숭

꼬리는 잔뜩 

범 내려 온다

범이 내려온다

A tiger is coming down.

A tiger is coming down.

Through the deep valley in the pine forest 

A beast is coming down.

His body is striped,

His tail is …

A tiger is coming down.

A tiger is coming down.



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